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About us

Brompton was founded in 2000 by Peter Braaten, Raymond Pether and Mark Caranci to provide innovative, income-oriented, alternative investment solutions for individual investors in Canada. At that time, they brought over 45 years of collective experience in alternative investment, banking and corporate management. In 2005, Chris Hoffmann joined as a partner after 20 years as both a corporate lawyer and as an investment executive. Ray, Chris and Mark are actively involved in the business and Peter served as Chairman until his passing in 2014.

For over 24 years, Brompton has been providing unique, well-conceived alternative investments with a focus on low cost, value-added diversification strategies. Many of our funds provide a high level of regular cash distributions and are designed to address investors’ cash flow requirements in all interest rate environments. Since inception, Brompton has paid out over $3.7 billion in distributions to investors. For those investors that do not require the regular cash flow, most of our funds also offer commission-free distribution reinvestment plans for additional units in the funds. Of course, no investment will be successful over the long run if you pay too much for it. For the level of service provided, our funds are known for their low management fees and costs.

For our ESG-focused strategies, we consider ESG factors as an integral part of our security selection process. We also provide portfolio-level ESG scores for all of Brompton’s active equity ETFs which are available on our website and in our fund profiles. The ESG score is an overall score of a company as determined by an independent consultant based on reported information in the environment, social and corporate governance pillars.

Brompton’s investment solutions include:


Our ETFs provide investors with income and/or growth potential through exposure to actively and passively managed portfolios of global equities. A number of our equity ETFs employ active covered call strategies to increase portfolio income and to lower portfolio volatility. Brompton has been actively employing covered call strategies since 2005. Our fixed income strategies are actively managed and focus on alternative fixed income asset classes with proven track records that are not easily available in Canada. We also offer leveraged ETFs to enhance income and growth potential.

Split Share Funds

Brompton’s split share funds provide investors with two ways to invest in diversified portfolios of blue-chip corporations with a proven track record of regular dividend growth.  In addition, we employ our proprietary active covered call strategy to generate additional income for the fund.  Each split share fund is comprised of two separate classes of shares that trade on the TSX – a preferred share and a Class A share.  Each security is designed to accomplish a different investment objective.

Preferred shares are designed to provide stable, secure quarterly dividend income.  Each series of preferred shares has its own rating and pays a quarterly distribution. Brompton’s preferred shares have delivered long term consistency both in income and price stability.

Class A shares are more volatile and provide higher distributions with the opportunity for leveraged capital appreciation. As long as the fund’s portfolio is valued above the redemption price of the preferred shares, all increases in value of the entire portfolio accrues to the Class A share.

Other TSX Traded Funds

Our other TSX traded funds generate high monthly distributions from alternative asset classes, using best-in-class active portfolio managers in both the equity and income markets. These unique structures allow active managers to make investment decisions without being influenced by daily redemptions or subscriptions, like an ETF or mutual fund. It also allows our active managers to use varying leverage amounts, in various market environments, in conjunction with their views on market opportunities.


Our team is committed to providing a superior client service experience and we regularly offer our views on industry trends and product developments. Most importantly, we are always ready and available to meet with advisors and speak with investors. Our website contains a wealth of information and we invite you to review our investment solutions. Please contact us if we can help you in any way.

Corporate Governance

Brompton adheres to high standards of business practice to ensure the best interests of its investors are protected.

Brompton provides for independent oversight for each fund through the Independent Review Committee and has adopted the recommended guidelines for corporate governance. Brompton incorporates provisions into each of its funds that protect the rights of its investors.

Board Mandate
IRC Charter


Director, President and Chief Executive Officer
Director, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Compliance Officer

Founding Partner


The Independent Review Committee (IRC) is comprised of a minimum of three members, each of whom must be independent of the Funds, the Manager and any affiliate companies of the Manager. The function of the IRC is to provide decisions on conflict of interest matters that the Manager has referred to the IRC and provide oversight on any conflict issues that IRC members identify in their own right. The IRC is invited to attend all board meetings and has access to management at all times.

Management Team

Director, President and Chief Executive Officer
Director, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Compliance Officer
Chief Investment Officer
Senior Vice President, Head of ETFs
Senior Vice President, Head of CEFs
Senior Vice President, Head of Sales
Senior Vice President and Corporate Secretary
Senior Vice President & Senior Portfolio Manager

Sales, Marketing & Investor Relations

Senior Vice President, Head of ETFs
Senior Vice President, Head of CEFs
Senior Vice President, Head of Sales
Vice President, Sales
Vice President, Sales
Vice President, Sales
Vice President, Sales
Vice President, ETFs
Vice President, Sales
Vice President, Sales
Vice President, Marketing & Investor Relations

Investment Management

Chief Investment Officer
Senior Vice President & Senior Portfolio Manager
Assistant Vice President & Associate Portfolio Manager
Senior Investment Analyst
Senior Investment Analyst

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